Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision.
The Careers lead at Maple Grove is Nic Sawyer
At Maple Grove it is our ambition that every young person should experience world-class unbiased careers advice, framed by the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance. We believe that career advice is vital for social mobility. It is about showing young people – whatever their circumstances – the options open to them and helping them to make the best choices for their future.
The careers strategic action plan at Maple Grove is known as the ‘ASPIRATIONS’ plan and Maple Grove School has a number of staff involved in careers education as we recognise that it is a fundamental part of what we offer. We provide our young people with impartial careers advise, knowledge, information, and skills to make informed choices about the options open to them and the progression routes to which those options lead.
The Careers programme includes careers education sessions, career guidance activities (group work and individual interviews), information and research activities, work related learning and individual learning activities.
Careers lessons are part of the schools Personal Development Programme. Other events and activities are planned and organised separately throughout the year including the annual Aspirations Week.
The school actively promotes employability skills throughout the curriculum, these are promoted through work related learning content taught across a range of subjects, as well as work experience opportunities.
We use the Commando Jo RESPECT programme, which allows students to develop and reflect on their progress in developing skills of resilience, empathy, self-awareness, positivity, excellence, communication, and teamwork which we believe will support our young people to be successful in their chosen career path.
Employability skills also feature in some PSHE and Personal Development lessons across KS3, KS4 and KS5 year groups.
Please refer to Maple Grove’s Careers and Employability Programme, the ‘GOLD STANDARD SERVICE’ and the Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Policy for more detail about what is covered in each year group.
Listen to our Head of School, Personal Development and Careers Lead, Nic, talk about how we prepare our young people for when they leave our school.